Showing posts with label Kallistra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kallistra. Show all posts


Dipping Ottomans

(Disclaimer: This article has nothing to do with any financial (other than my own wallet) crisis in Greece nor any current event or state of affairs concerning Turkey at all. )

Last weeks I started paiting some miniatures that were hidden in the closet for quite some time. Every year this idle collection grows a little due to purchases made a Crisis, but now the time has come to at least give some a bit of color.

Years ago the idea popped up to start playing medieval battles and to keep the cost manageable, to do this in a smal(ler) scale. At Crisis the Kallistra stand turned out to be a treasure chest filled with nice figures that fitted this idea and some blisters were purchased. A ritual was born, and every year some blisters were added, but to no further action.

But now, despite lots of other 'parallel' projects (Adding more stuff to my FoW late and mid-war armies, painting some Warhammer models (perhaps this one could be cancelled now the Age of Sigmar has arrived), starting a Frostgrave warband, building an early war (but which) FoW army, learning to use the airbrush, starting playing X-wing, euhmmm. ) my Ottoman models made it all of sudden on to the painting table.

Because of my frustratingly growing backlog I decided to try out a quick and dirty method to paint these small men and I'm very pleased with the way they turned out! The photographs give an indication of the result, which for my taste/abilities is rather good and achieved within a limited amount of time.

Kallistra Medieval Ottoman Standard Bearer (Command blister)

So here's my recipe, just in case (Note: All paintwork was very very basic, more or less like a colourbook, filling the surfaces..)

- white (GW) basecoat
- black or brown (GW) wash (whose names I cannot recall and are due to change anyway...)
- painted flesh parts
- painted clothes/armour
- painted some details (arms, shoes, etc.)
- painted the bases
- some cleaning up
- adding the wonder stuff: DIPPING the miniature with Quickshade
