Showing posts with label Night Goblin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Night Goblin. Show all posts


A gobbo worth more than it's weight in stones...

My former neighbor is a dental technician by trade and offered me to cast (heaps and heaps of) stones using my Hirst molds. As a 'thank you' I built a small watch tower using some of these nerd bricks, manned by this Goblin.


Night Goblin warband showcase

All the while busy painting and playing with the slayer warband that I almost forget there is a night goblin warband. After a while letting them keep to themselves in their cave I really had to sort them lot out! Eventually got them in line for posing in front of the camera (at least some of them). So here they are in their great splendor.

My Goblin boss riding the big squig. That's a proper steed fit for a gobbo boss and if the rest of the lot does not recognize him, they will be fed to the big squig. That's how it's done in goblin society!

Can't have too little squigs in my opinion! Here is the max lot of 5 squigs, cheap, fast, fun and full of teeth!
Van Night goblins, squigs portraits for Mordheim

Of course you gotta keep them squigs under control. What better tool then tha big fork! Night Gobo's love 'em and them squigs now to stay away from them!

What is a warband with bosses to be bossed around by the big boss and who themselves can boss around the rest of the night gobbo's:

Some of the more regular night goblins in this warband:

No warband is complete without fanatics of course. I only have mini's with ball and chain but for Mordheim a big double handed weapon is more usefull. This is fun though but I'll do a conversion soon for a fanatic with something like a big doublehanded axe or something other maniacal:

Night goblins squable a lot and there's always one who forgot what they were doing and needs to ask:


Paint Session Goblins (3)

It has been a while since the first stage of gobbo painting (Night gobbo painting that is). Of course I have been doing some painting in the mean time (I'm not that slow) but not always them gobbo's. The dwarf treasure hunter Morheim gang is taking shape and I found some gnoblar trappers that will do nice as cool base-additions to the existing gobbo's. Bases are still a poblem for me. I can't get the hang of finding a good theme and stick with it for the entire gang.

Anyway how are the gobbo's doing I posted earlier? My way of painting consists of doing one color at the time and if possible working it out entirely. Starting with the large surfices I work m way to the details. The large surfaces are also ideal for highlighting easy and these are the first things I did. With these night gobbo's I started with the green skin of the gobbo's and finishing it with severel highlights.
Next stage are the black clothing the night gobbo's hae. I reworked all black surfaces in a clean way. That means that I paint all items black with clean lines bordering other (future) color areas. In this way I don't have to keep reworking parts because other areas are "tainted" with the wrong color. I like clean lines here where possible. So black areas were done and I highlighted them towards a light bleue. First stage is a heavy regal blue highlight to give the night goblins the look of wearing midnight blue robes. Because wear and tear they are highlighted towards light blue and even light grey is used here.

Next up are the silver areas I started with boltgun metal painting the iron/silver parts. The iron parts will be worked upon with a black ink probably, leaving it a dark metally surface (like the pot of the night goblin shaman). The silver parts ( I like my night goblins to have lots of silvery jewelry) will be highlighted with chainmail metal (earrings, bracelets, etc.).
After this it is basically time for detailing the gobbo's This means picking out the bad moon symbols, mushrooms they are carrying, weapons, etc. I use bright colors for small items so they stand out. Also some skulls have to be done and they will be "bony" in look and feel. Starting with black dark browns, I then usually highlight them to bleached bone (in rare occasions even a final white highlight).


Paint Session Goblins (2)

A new paint session for the gobbo's just finished. In the previous post you could see the first stage of getting the green color on the skin of the gobbo's. Now the goblins get their layers of highlights after the goblin green and green ink. A new highlight of goblin green is applied after which a transition to rotting flesh green is applied. It is finished off with a some layers towards bleached bone. This is the status right now.


Paint Session Goblins(1)

Recently I decided that tuesday night will be a regular painting slot. Our gamers are invited to stop by for some painting, modeling or just having some coffee and a chat about new warbands, upcoming games and whatnot. I've just finished my first tuesday evening painting and of course want to share with you the results.
For long I paint model by model. Sometimes I have severel projects going on but basically it's painting one model at a time. Now I wanted some extra models for the Wee Free Men warband, to easily switch when weapons change or extra warband members have to be hired. I also got a new (real!) night goblin shaman model from Hans that needs to be painted. Therefore with all these new models to paint, I decided to paint them together. Same stages for every model at the same time. Consistency of shading, color, highlights, inks etc. are now guaranteed basically, so actually it's quite a pre. Not too much at the same time but around 5 models will do for now. See how this will work out.
Current stage for all models is that they have a base coat of goblin green where needed (face, arms and legs) and a black layer on all things clothes related. Some parts where dark shading is needed I also aplied a bit of chaos black. For all Goblin Green parts I inked the creases with dark green ink. Now they can dry and the next time I'll (highlight) a new layer of Goblin Green to have nice tight dark green edges and deeper areas. After that I'll highlight the green parts up until almost white edges.
What are the results for today then! Okay, here they come.

First up these 3 guys, they are from left to right: a snotling modelled to hold a big mushroom (only black undercoated for now), A night goblin holding a spear and another night goblin holding a spear (also modelled an arrow through its hat!)

In the centre of this picture you'll see a night goblin champion. I removed the shield holder on its left hand and remodelled the hand again.

How cool is this project! It's of course a squig standing on half a goblin. Modelled the squig so its leg could actually stand on the head of the gobbo. The gobbo is half dismemberred and notice the foot standing beside the model. That will eventually stick out from between the teeth of this squig. How vicious and evil can a squig look eh!

This is the night goblin shaman I was talking about. First stage of painting obviously. He will probably get a couldron with some purple or bright green broth in it.

This is obviously a work in progress in a further stage that I wanted to showcase. This is my new Night Goblin Big Boss mounted on the giant squig. It is quit far finished already, but I am having trouble with the base. The idea is a spear in the ground and a giant musroom, but what to with the rest of the vast base..... Probably keep it "clean" with some grass or sand..... still thinking about this one.


Wee Free Men, meet: Gasher

The Wee Free Men have their set of squigs that wreak havoc in enemy lines. They are controled by some of the night goblins if they can focus. This is one of 5 and is called Gasher! A realy nasty squig that loves to bounce into battle.

Sometimes the squigs run out of control and start nibling on the warband members. To represent this I started to convert a squig to eat one of the night goblins. A leg has to be added sticking out of his mound, but I think it is a good start. Of course this blog is to show further stages in the conversion and paint process so keep checking to see progress.

Wee Free Men, meet: Wee Dangerous Spike

One of the Bosses in the Wee Free Men is Wee Dangerous Spike. It is a constant battle to see who is the boss in the warband and Wee Dangerous Spike is at it all the time. His height is a bit of a problem for him and he's always stretching to his full length to show his mates he could be THE boss!
Big Nose lets him be, because there's no real threat at the moment. Within the Wee Free Men a big nose counts and Big Nose is no match for the other bosses. You can see Wee Dangerous spike trying to lead two Night Goblin gang members into battle ( if they don't fight amongst themselves that is).
Wee Dangerous Spike carries a sword and a shield into battle (and his trusty dagger to fight dirty). He already has some experience in previous battles and is now one of the quicker goblins in the warband with an enhanced initiative.

Wee Free Men, meet: Slightly Sane Angus

My night goblin shaman: Slightly Sane Angus is the supplieer of mad cap mushrooms for the Wee Free Men. Specifically the night goblin fanatics rely heavily on their fungi so the shaman is definitely needed. Angus is probably the sane-est gobbo in the group, hence his name. In one of the pevious battles he suffered an armwound and wasn't able to perform his Waaagh! magic and missed a battle because of it. As a remedy he ate his stash of fungi to reduce the pain and was out for a couple of days (foaming in his cave). He is now up and running and wil return to the batllefield with freashly brewed mad cap mushroom broth in one of the next batlles. For now Angus sometimes manages to cast the Fire of Gork and with some practise he can go a long way.

The shaman model is a "regular" goblin shaman which I made into a night goblin shaman by painting it in the Wee Free Men, night goblin colors dark blue and blacks.



Starting the blog is one thing, but do I do in this Mordheim party? How did this all start and where did my warband come from all of a sudden. I started with Warhammer some 15 years ago. At the time I started a Warhammer 40K Tyranid army. Got fully infected with miniature games and warhammer, necromunda, warhammer quest etc. followed suit. We played with a friends group that I know since high school. Since moving to Dordrecht my gaming activities faltered and the painting also came to a stuttering halt.

Some painting was done on the "cool" miniatures I could lay my hands on. The squigs and night goblins always had my attention because of their comic look and utter coolness of course. The odd squig was painted and I met "some gamers" in Dordrecht! They introduced me to playing Mordheim. Since it is so easy to start a warband with just a couple of miniatures the first game was in full effect before I knew it. I got infected and started painting avidly!

New squigs were bought, new night gobbos painted and the Night Goblin warband was bourn. I'm just finishing a giant squig with my goblin boss as we speak (he did his job well on the batllefield already). Squigs at the moment are my favorite "characters" and the overall warband is themed around them (and doing quite well at the moment).

My Night Goblin warband is called the wee free men which is related to the Terry Pratchett books of the discworld (specifically A Hat full of Skye). I will introduce the characters of my warband on this blog in the coming time. You can then follow them as they progress and gain experience with the games of Mordheim we play.