Showing posts with label Showcase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Showcase. Show all posts


The quick and the dead

Small update: Finished this little lady; Mary Fearless.
When I saw her rules: "you shoot her, she starts shooting back! Whomever has the most successes counts has having shot that turn." I knew I wanted to have her in my Ash & Oak list. She has 2 funds, so she can buy the protection of the Ogre bruiser. Again this miniature was a pleasure to paint, and it costs less time than I usually spend on my GW miniatures. It's the lack of cluttered details, I think. Or maybe I should paint something else than miniatures covered in boils, sores and skulls. :) Mary Fearless to me is a bit of a contradiction; a female gunslinger, but part of the aristocratic faction. I tried to show that in the coloring. I choose red, white and dark blue for the dress, hopefully that comes across as aristrocratic. The boots, coat and belt are done in browns, I thought that had a proper western feel to it. The studio model is a blond yet in the artwork she looks like Eva Mendes, so I made her a brunette. In the background are the D10 dice to be able to play IHMS.


“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

New kid checking in: After joining the group and working on my Carnival of Chaos warband since April (personal record), I needed to work on something else for a bit. Having discovered steampunk on Beasts of war in their Wolsung video, I bought two of these Micro Art studio miniatures to see if I like working with their models. To me the Wolsung miniatures are oozing character, which is a nice break cause the carnival of chaos miniatures are mostly oozing pus. Being more of a builder/converter than a painter and it is so refreshing to be working on a miniature that is not covered in straps, boils, buckles, pouches and skulls. Lots of large surfaces, but for instance the clothing is nicely structured with creases and wrinkles so it has a nice texture to work with. So painting is easy and fast and you can try to freehand a bit, which is something I usually don't do. But that's because mostly I've been painting beastmen and things covered in rust, blood and guts. It's still WIP, I need to finish up the base and varnish the mini, but I'm quite happy with this first mini so I wanted to show it off. About the miniature this is one of my favourites from the Wolsung line.
It's an Ogre Bruiser from the Ash & Oak club, a henchman catering to the wishing of the rich and mighty with some brass knuckles. For some reason he reminds me of an Irish bar-brawler, so the vest needed to be green. Googling Victorian clothes, I found many plaid and striped pants so that was a nice challenge to try out. The other miniature I bought is Mary Fearless, a hot little aristocratic lady who can shoot the lights out. She has two funds, so she can pay for the services of the Ogre bruiser. She'll be the next project after I finish my nurgle warband, which is hopefully the next update. Another thing I've recently discovered thanks to Ludo and Tom is that these miniatures can double for both Wolsung and In her majesty's name. So I should get good mileage from them. :)


More Ogres!

After painting loads and loads of dwarfs and them being so tiny, I started with some Ogres. Just to be on the other side of the spectrum. Not only painting wise but also gaming wise they are a complete different army. Not less fun to paint however. The set of Ogres I got needed some painting to do, I can field approximately 4000 points of Ogre menace not including magical items but the amount of models involved equals by nearly 2000 points of dwarfs! Should the painting go that much faster was the first thing I asked myself and first impressions this was the case. Of course painting something new induces a new drive to paint and thus taking more time to paint, hence more output in painting! Still good, the ogre army expands rapidly and I got a couple of games already to play with them. I still have to develop a feel for how to play, but each game gave me some valuable learning points and rules I forgot about to play. Also this is an army with magic opposed to the dwarfs, also something new to consider and hell of a lot of fun. The ogres are fast, hard-hitting but can still be outmaneuvered. Magic is good, leadership is rubbish. Stuff to keep in mind :) On to the painting then, I started of with a tyrant just to get a feel for ogre models and to have something nice to paint. A set of leadbelchers followed and the Tibet style color scheme proved good and clean on the ogres (clean and ogres in one sentence?). Also in the set of Ogres I bought was the best model ever: the old scrap launcher. A big contraption pulled by a large beast. Loads of gnoblars everywhere on the model to give it the lively feel of chaos and mayhem. That was the next to paint. The wood was quickly done, however I kept touching up on the wood. It had to be more grainy, more red, more yellow, but in the end it got good enough. The wood was fairly quickly done and I got the idea that only painting some gnoblars was not that much of a work. It is when each individual needed to be picked out with its own set of colors and devices. There was also the amount of metal on the model. I wanted it to be a seemingly random mix of iron and copper with its corresponding corrosion. In the end not en easy task and took a while, but worth it. The cloth where the scrap launcher rests had to be some captured flag or something so I painted the imperial eagle on it that was also on one of the shields that is being loaded as scrap to be shot at the enemy, all in-keeping with the model. I myself am happy how it turned out, however I keep on seeing stuff that can be improved. I put it aside for now and I'm moving on to next models and ways to paint, since I got me a nice airbrush set and just started painting the skin of a...GIANT!


Dark elfs take over: another dark elf sorceress painted

Well isn't that something. Again a dark elf post and not a dwarf post. Painting progresses quickly with the dark elves. Of course this is the case when painting only single miniatures and this is no exception. Still good fun to paint. I'm starting to get the hang of skin tones and magical green stones and wands :) Also painting very small arcane lettering is becoming better and better. And now for the showcase, her she is:

What should be up next. Yesterday I bought a dark elf assassin and 3 sets of old school dwarf miners. Also on the shelf are the 9 old school dwarf rangers that are begging me to paint. What to pick up for the next show case (and #miniaturemonday on twitter!).


Latest dark elf pictures

After painting a lot of dwarfs it was time to do something completely different. Of course the dark elf painting was present here and there, but recently I've been painting 2 dark elves in a row. Dwarfs are awaiting some paint on my paint station.
Painting the dark elves gets the creativity flowing because it requires different paint schemes and techniques. A "start" of a new war band/army lets me experiment more with painting techniques as well. Thinking about colors and what will work. Thinking about bases and settings and scenes really gives you the creative kick you nice in a while need for painting the army you are busy with.
Good news for the dwarfs that is! They will get all the new ideas and paint schemes and whatnot...when I start painting them again that is. 16 dwarf warriors are only base coated and awaiting the paint treatment, they will be picked up sooner or later :)

For now the dark elves. I already painted Malus Darkblade a while ago and now was busy with a dark elf sorceress on a cold one. My background for the dark elves will be cold ones. The more cold ones the better! I was a bit stuck with dark elf sorceress but got further with some tips and tricks here and there and here are the most recent pics!

Started with another sorceress but this time without cold one. Actually I bought the model under the impression it was a fine cast model (my first, a first test it had to be), but it wasn't. Just a detailed plastic model of a dark elf sorceress. Fun to paint. Started to evenings ago and this is the current work in progress. The occult markings on the cloth are there. They will get a bright green edge to them (this is only the outline layer).

The face needs the eye and mouth done and the brass only has its first 2 layers. They will be worked up to gold with mithril silver sparkle edges.Base is going to be stone with ice/snow just as with other dark elf sorceress on the cold one. Ice and snow will be the setting for all future dark elves.

I bought myself another cold one with a dark elf knight the other day. The local hobby shop had 3 blisters for the price of 2. Couldn't resist buying some old school dwarf rangers and tipped in the cold one knight as the "free" blister! Coolness!


New dwarves here

Yep, I've been busy finishing some projects lately. A couple of dwarves were waiting the final stages of paint and matt varnish for protection. It's been done. They were already on the battle field but not in this finished state. Now they can shine in their own pictures in stead of in the fray on the battlefield.

First up are the hammerers. Command group and a couple of em. They blend in well with the theme of the rest of the army. The beige and red colors come back in all regiments making them fit together easy. A lot of metal and gold details on these boys to make em look good and hammery (if that's a word?)

Next up are there lads that form the command group for my thunderers. Good looking models, nice pose for the standard bearer, calling commands and the champion with his brace of pistols. He will also do good in my Mordheim war band I'm guessing. Purely as a character he fits there nicely (overprices because of the brace of pistols, but fluff is something you can't buy of course)


dwarf cannon and crew painted

It featured already in a battle against slaanesh, but now it is ready and fully painted. All details on the canon done and the crew is done to the last detail. I also created two larger stone bases with all the accesories for the dwarf cannon. A large scope for spotting targets in the far distance and a set with a wheelbarrow containing some tools and a spare set of ammo on a small cart.

This is a nice set to put in my army and the two "scenery" pieces can also be good unit fillers for any regiment adding 2 places each. How universal, how great!

It was fun painting this set and it was quite quick actually. Or I'm becoming more skilled at painting the dwarfs. The lasat set of 10 dwarf thunderers took me a while but this cannon and crew was done in a couple of days. The cannon being mostly metal helps, but the crew are detailed little fellows, wrenches, looking classes and whatnot.

All these cool details really make the set and also makes it fun to paint. It really captures the look and feel of getting a canon loaded and shot at a large distance and hitting something. Now for the hitting part and doing damage I need a good game to practice this in!


10 thunderers ready for battle

Yep, a full set of 10 thunderers at the ready. I painted already 2 of them for my Mordheim warband, but now the other 8 have got the same treatment. Together they look good and tie in with the color scheme beige and red for the rest of the army.
I already got me the command group so they will be up for painting soon.
Recently we played a good 8th edition WHFB with Dwarfs vs. Chaos warriors. Only a 1000 points but it was good fun, really starting to get to grips with all the rules now. Battle report is awaiting publication but I wanted to put these guys out here first.


Dwarf miners regiment

Yes, it has been done. 10 Dwarf miners are painted and ready to fight. Slowly but surely my WHFB Dwarf army takes shape. Inexorably slowly that is, but it is happening. Well what is there to say about this lot.

It's a bunch of miners, they are looking nice and grubby with their candles. Painting was some work because of all the fine bolts and details that had to be painted gold.

I'm very curious how they will play in a game. The steam drill and maybe some tnt sticks will make them a force to be reckoned with. Maybe they will help us to digg us out of the huge amounts of snow that is falling the last couple of days :) Good weather to stay inside and some painting and other modelling jobs.


Three in a row

Quick post for only a nice pic I took of three dwarfs that you might have seen come by separately. The three belong together and with this groupshot you can see they are different but have the same look and feel one way or the other.


Showcasing some new finished dwarfs

Just a quick update on some finished dwarfs. I've been quite busy painting different dwarfs that will serve as backup for the ever expanding Dwarf treasurehunter warband I'm playing for our Border Town Burning campaign. The further idea is to keep on painting the dwarfs in order to build up a small army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Especially now the 8th edition is coming out. In the meantime I'm reading and learning the new rules I am painting them dwarfs and hopefully I can field a nice Dwarf army in due time.
First up here a dwarf ironbreaker. I got this box quite cheap and this is the first one painted. They paint pretty quick since it is a lot of metal they carry! :)

Next up dwarf slayer you have already seen on this blog but I got this nice skeleton sign that is really Mordheimy and I had to paint it. It has a little base of his own so can be put anywhere in our city of Mordheim.

I don't know if I put the finished engineer with the brace of pistols already here, but it's a nice picture of him so he may join this blog post for now.

Finally a new beardling I painted. As on of the other beardlings he has the "Bugmans" shield and the green clothing. In total there are three of them and I think they fit in together quite nicely now. These old mini's also have some sort of comic look I like, big noce, nice stature and it's a dwarf with a sword you don't see often.


New Slayers

After some time on my worktop these two slayers only needed their final finishing touches. Of course this takes as much time as painting the first steps, but in the end they are done now! Based and ready to fight.

Actually they already starred many a fight in their almost finished state, but now it is al for real. I even took time to take proper pictures to show of these bulging biceps and very orange mohawks. I think a good adition to my Mordheim slayer warband for now!

Of course, more slayers can join, so more will be painted (or else they will be part of the new to form Warhammer Fantasy batlle army of dwarves that is about to form (in the next coming months that is).


Night Goblin warband showcase

All the while busy painting and playing with the slayer warband that I almost forget there is a night goblin warband. After a while letting them keep to themselves in their cave I really had to sort them lot out! Eventually got them in line for posing in front of the camera (at least some of them). So here they are in their great splendor.

My Goblin boss riding the big squig. That's a proper steed fit for a gobbo boss and if the rest of the lot does not recognize him, they will be fed to the big squig. That's how it's done in goblin society!

Can't have too little squigs in my opinion! Here is the max lot of 5 squigs, cheap, fast, fun and full of teeth!
Van Night goblins, squigs portraits for Mordheim

Of course you gotta keep them squigs under control. What better tool then tha big fork! Night Gobo's love 'em and them squigs now to stay away from them!

What is a warband with bosses to be bossed around by the big boss and who themselves can boss around the rest of the night gobbo's:

Some of the more regular night goblins in this warband:

No warband is complete without fanatics of course. I only have mini's with ball and chain but for Mordheim a big double handed weapon is more usefull. This is fun though but I'll do a conversion soon for a fanatic with something like a big doublehanded axe or something other maniacal:

Night goblins squable a lot and there's always one who forgot what they were doing and needs to ask:


First 3 slayers finished

It's been done. The first 3 slayers are finished painting. The final basing was quite quick and I added a pile of gold to one of the slayer bases. That's what it's all about for them orange haired axewielding maniacs!
With no further ado, here are the pictures: