
Half tracked, half tricked

Finally, after a long production run, I finished eight (8!) Sd. Kfz. 251 half tracks. These iconic transporters were needed for my Tsecho-Sovjet army(!). Captured two or three of them will be used by a spetsnaz unit, leading a spearhead attack into enemy territory. Two 251's are for this purpose 'masked'' with canvases (of Heer46 make). Serious trickery!

Spetsnaz under the canvas?

A while back I was at the receiving end of such an attack at a tournament. My opponent used a spetsnaz unit to lead a group of nine (9!) T-34's. That meant that after turn one they were in assault range, threatening a objective defended by a lone group of panzergrenadiers. Only a ambush of Pak 40's saved my day...

Command group

Besides the two 251's with the canvases there are two ridden by commanders, one with the characteristic framework antenna and one with a 3.7 cm Pak cannon, to annoy Russian tankers.

Crowded, must be rush hour

One thing that I found out when placing miniatures in the vehicles is how crammed they are. Having been a passenger aboard a real 251 once, I had not remembered that. At maximum I managed to place six soldiers on the benches; this were the smaller plastic soldier passengers, battle front soldiers are a bit more bulkier.

Top view: Spot the differences between PSC and Battlefront 251's

The unit consists of five Plastic Soldier Company and three Battlefront vehicles. They mix well, and I used the stowage of both kits on 251's of both builds. The canvases of Heer46 fitted the battlefront vehicles better, so they were used on that ones. Machine guns were standardized by using the Battlefront ones, a matter of taste.

Assembly line: Half tracks in half...

All in all a very nice, but as usual more time consuming than planned, project. In a few weeks the captured ones will been seen in battle at a tournament in The Hague. And a few weeks later the whole group will probably join my german force in the next tournament.

Hopefully they will do a good job (if only they had a commander who knows what he's doing...) And now: Time to paint my Frostgrave wizard!!


First game of X-wing and how to make a space mat

After debating the fact that x-wing is such a cool game, we actually got a starter set and played our first game! First we played the introduction scenario with very basic rules. Played quickly, took us some time to get the rules right but in 1 hour a game was done. Just the 2 tie fighters and 1 x-wing, but fun! We directly set up another game with "proper" rules. 
Played it and with some knowledge of the rules under our belt this game also took us an hour or so, but was great fun. The "beer&pretzel"-game attitude was really there. We thoroughly enjoyed playing X-wing and still without all kinds of pilots, extra rules, damage cards and whatnot, all the possibilities to open up the game are there. With the simple game and simple rules as of yet we already had great fun, took in the feel of dog-fighting in a star wars setting and are ready for more!

Looking up some sample space mats I thought it easy to make one myself. First accessory for our game here! Order me 5 metres of black felt (synthetic: made from recycled PET-bottles, good for the environment!). I cut of 1,5m (1m wide) with a fabric "pizza"-cutter my wife has lying around. This gives a nice straight line I must say. Took out the airbrush and went away with spraying the stars as white dots, small and big. Then sprayed some nebula by making white "clouds" random with white paint over all the stars.The stars keep shining through at this stage. Switched to blue paint and added it to the white nebula. Mostly at the edges of my nebulae as a refraction look and feel. Also sprayed some of the white stars blue since some indeed have different colors! Finish this all of with red in the airbrush. Other edges of nebula clouds are now sprayed and some stars are made red. The trick is to randomize as much as possible and to keep "dark" patches as well. A star field has a lot of dark matter and space and since the ships will be flying through this it mustn't be too crowded.


Yes, Aos is here to discuss!

Love a good discussion so I am going to start my rant on AoS! First start with the disclaimer that I haven’t play tested any of the rules and this text is purely based on first opinions on the rules text as they came from GW.

Age of Sigmar, everywhere we read the AoS abbreviation! It is about a new age! It is here now for some days, but what is it? How do we see it? How does the gaming community sees this? One thing is for sure it is in for a lot of discussion! 
Let’s split this post up in a couple of chapters to go through it methodically. 

AoS vs. 9th
To start of with the fact it is called AoS and not 9th is quite a big thing. The free 4 page ruleset is in fact not the rumoured 9th edition. Actually it is something completely new. Some say it is a ruleset that should be used in store to let people playtest the game. Others say it is only there to keep the gamers somewhat busy while Games Workshop focusses on its main focus area: making miniatures. With the rule set and the scrolls there is a game system and that is it. It requires very little maintenance no new army books to maintain and publish, no big rule sets to test. All in all this should save GW a lot of time and resources they can now put into miniature making. At least that is what I think their philosophy is. 
With the fact there is now AoS, there is still the possibility to bring out 9th in the end. If this trial with AoS really backfires, there is always a possibility of bringing out the next rule set and continue on the old ways :)

Free “rules” and scrolls
Yes indeed the rules are free to donwload. A nice set of pdfs can be found and used. A simple rule set that fits on 4 pages. Great to start a quick game and let the game be quick. The scrolls contain a set of characteristics for the different units and characters and we are go! Some funny gimmicks in the special rules that involve actual bribery and such. Funny but in the end these things will go unused when playing a lot of games. And this is where I think this simple rule set goes wrong. It is too simple. I will not play a simple rule set I get to know in a game or two and then use the rest of the year. The challenge of discovering new combo’s interesting loopholes, fun opposing rules to discuss is just not there. I think when playing the set it will bore quickly and then what. Play only small games and buy new miniatures to use other rules from other scrolls? Aha! There we might have a catch. This is what GW wants of course. We must buy all the miniatures! Not to play mega battles with, but only a couple of small skirmish games and then on to the next to paint new models. Since I like painting models and the need for painting hordes of the same models is not there any more, this is actually a good development. On the other hand it is almost as if we are playing a throw-away game or army: Disposable armies ! Will it come to that?! :)

Playability of the set
I have to say that I haven’t played the rule set for now. I’ve read it of course and will play it in the near future. For now is my main comment: where are the points per unit?! I get the fact that we have to discuss among ourselves what to play against each other. But still how is that to work out? I go to my friends house with a set of mini’s in my case. He only has painted a model or 10. That is what we are going to field? That is highly unbalanced. Maybe I should field a model of 10 as well, but how do I know if my 10 knights shape up to 10 storm vermin? OK, maybe we should have a look at the total wounds then? hmmmm, but now we are somehow creating an alternative expansion of the base rule set. Our house rules, maybe for our gaming club? All clubs will do the same and an explosion of house rules will come. Is that what GW wants. A crowd-creation of rules. 
Already rules as wound counts or all kinds of stat multiplication formulas are starting to pop up. Will it all work, only time will tell :)

Tournaments then?
This seems a bit difficult to do but might be very simple as well. Why this double feeling. On one side a tournament with a good rule set and comp calculation makes a fair organised event. But when looking at all the comp rules out there and all the discussion about them it is as if they were discussing AoS all along!
So a simple rule set and some scrolls, maybe a simple formula calculating army sizes and we are there! 
AoS might also help in organising more “friendly”  tournaments. Maybe even more small scale events and stuff. I can imagine with the” loose”  set of rules a really competitive event isn’t the way to go any more. For me being a more fluffy gamer this bodes well for coming tournaments. 
Maybe I’ll go that road myself and organise one! Let’s go crazy!

The new models
What can we say. More and more models are being released. The base set containing the stormcast eternals and Khorne models is somewhat…ahem…interesting? At first glance it isn’ my cup of tea. I was almost shouting to my fellow gamers how bad a model GW has put out there. On second thought and upon watching painting videos of the stormcast eternals being painted I am having those second thoughts. From the painting videos I get the feeling it isn’t as bad after all. Let’s see how it goes and where it will lead us :

Let’s finish up and see what the conclusion for me is here. New rule set, lot’s of discussion; and this is actually what I like about the wargaming hobby. If there is a new game out there (Frostgrave just being delivered at my front door) or new models to look at, it is great to discuss it with your fellow gamers and have a nice beer and possibly a game on the side!
I’m not buying the stuff as just yet, but will plan to play test the rules. Actually I have a set of dark elves lying about. This might be the time to paint a couple of them, take scroll and set up a small army to test the rules.
We had a campaign going with Chaos armies, this might just be as fun to do!


Dipping Ottomans

(Disclaimer: This article has nothing to do with any financial (other than my own wallet) crisis in Greece nor any current event or state of affairs concerning Turkey at all. )

Last weeks I started paiting some miniatures that were hidden in the closet for quite some time. Every year this idle collection grows a little due to purchases made a Crisis, but now the time has come to at least give some a bit of color.

Years ago the idea popped up to start playing medieval battles and to keep the cost manageable, to do this in a smal(ler) scale. At Crisis the Kallistra stand turned out to be a treasure chest filled with nice figures that fitted this idea and some blisters were purchased. A ritual was born, and every year some blisters were added, but to no further action.

But now, despite lots of other 'parallel' projects (Adding more stuff to my FoW late and mid-war armies, painting some Warhammer models (perhaps this one could be cancelled now the Age of Sigmar has arrived), starting a Frostgrave warband, building an early war (but which) FoW army, learning to use the airbrush, starting playing X-wing, euhmmm. ) my Ottoman models made it all of sudden on to the painting table.

Because of my frustratingly growing backlog I decided to try out a quick and dirty method to paint these small men and I'm very pleased with the way they turned out! The photographs give an indication of the result, which for my taste/abilities is rather good and achieved within a limited amount of time.

Kallistra Medieval Ottoman Standard Bearer (Command blister)

So here's my recipe, just in case (Note: All paintwork was very very basic, more or less like a colourbook, filling the surfaces..)

- white (GW) basecoat
- black or brown (GW) wash (whose names I cannot recall and are due to change anyway...)
- painted flesh parts
- painted clothes/armour
- painted some details (arms, shoes, etc.)
- painted the bases
- some cleaning up
- adding the wonder stuff: DIPPING the miniature with Quickshade



Small report of a small battle

A few days ago I played a Flames of War battle against Lex, a new found opponent. Lex is a long time wargamer who just started playing FoW; picking me as a trainer won't help off course, but results in very interesting battles :-)
His friend Guus showed up to watch and was so kind to take some pictures. So all pictures courtesy of Guus ©.

In our preparation of a tournament that will take place at Table Top Kingdom, we played late war lists. Lex took a British, excuse me, Scottish infantry list. My list was a German tank army from the Desperate Measures book, shown in the table. Playing trained panzer instead of the usual veteran waffen ss infantry would require a new approach.

We decide to play the 'hasty attack' scenario. Half of my opponents force would be in reserve at the start of the game. Lex decided to place all his anti tank guns and infantry on the board, and place his mortars, hmg's and M10's in reserve. Having the M10's in reserve was a bit dubious (and Lex had meant them to be in ambush), on the other hand they were save there for any long range gunnery.

The battlefield (photograph on the left, Lex force was deployed on the left side of this picture) looked very very nice with a small village half way between the forces at my right flank. Through the village a road stretched across the full width, as a border between the two parties. On the left of the village some bushes were located on either side of the road.

Trying to make use of the absence of half my opponents units (still in reserver), I rushed all units forward (with the exception for the nebelwerfers). Lex' anti tank guns tried to respond to this, but were hindered by the woods on his side. Further more it turned out that despite having quite a few anti tank assets in number, they lacked the power of hurting the panzers at lange range. (And that's not even taken into account Lex's dice rolls...).

The first wave of attack took place on my left flank. The StuG's went forward, hiding behind a little wood. The Panzer IV's joined the Panthers and also went forward, but a little more cautiously. My infantry tried to keep up and at the same time stay out of sight of the Scots.

Lex' response came in the form of the arrival of the M10's, who came in from reserve, ready to kill off my StuG's (a completely overlooked the possibility of the immediate arrival of reserves). However, both M10 and StuG crews turned out to be hopeless gunners and would shoot each other for two round without any result other than bailing a crew. In the long run I was very lucky on that flank, when my StuG's blew up the M10's just before a unit of Scot infantry failed their tank terror test. The picture shows Lex' forces on this side of the battle (with a poor burning StuG hidden in). After driving off my attack on this flank, his troops pushed forward through the woods.

At the right flank my Panthers supported by the grenadiers managed to rush through the village without losses. The second in command Panzer IV was blown up and the first in command almost suffered the same fate, being bailed. In the last turn the Panthers assaulted the unit guarding the second objective on the right flank and managed to wipe them out. As there were no way for the Scots  to challenge this objective, the Germans won this battle.

As for the aftermath... It was a very nice and hectic game, played in some very nice scenery. The lack of 'big guns' in Lex' list gave me the opportunity to maneuver freely with my tanks. Having a 'stormtrooper' move' boosted this even further. I was very very lucky when the M10's showed up and managed to miss all shots.

This panzer list does not leave much room for compensation of losses. The Panthers and also the modest Nebelwerfers performed outstanding. The Nebels pinned the anti tank guns almost continually through the game (and at the same time Lex failed to unpin them almost every time..).

Time for a rematch! ;-)

(Ook gepubliceerd op NLFoW)


The Rise (and fall?) of the Skirmish game

A little while ago I was driving home from another great multiplayer battle of WHFB with some fellow games. Whilst driving home I usually have 10-20 minutes on a bike, in the dark, to ponder the existance of life and other things light on the heart. I started to calculate the average number of WHFB battles that we play as a group over the year. Our vast gaming club (which in itself is a banned word) plays on average once or twice a month. Over the course of the last few years, the games we played most were by no contest WHFB and Mordheim. Two GW product but as far as size is concerned both at the far end of the spectrum. Where WHFB you typically control pretty large armies of 50-100 models or more, Mordheim instead focussing on small warbands, rarely exceeding 10 models a player! Otherwise known as the war-scale versus the skirmish game.

For some odd reason our club always seems to come back to these games. What is that about?

The Fantasy games and the other guys ...
To an outsider the wargaming community might seem like a huge bunch of nerds all addicted to the same plastic smell and paints, but nothing is further from the truth. Once you get into this community, you can see the thin line of seperation between the fantasy gamers and the historical wargamers. The former focussing on the fantasy and sci-fi themed strategic wargames that are almost purely played for sheer entertainment. Also, a lot of competition can be found here, where armybooks and rosters are generally exploited to the maximum in order to make sure victory is yours. Some gamesystems allow this happen, others are somewhat more strict but all in all it has proven to be rather difficult to create a totally balanced game.
On the other end, the wargamers usually try to have fun and stick as much as they can to reality back then. Heck, try to explain to a napoleonic fanatic why you have painted all the uniforms orange and he will probably pull out on of the many historic documents to prove you wrong. Furthermore, the target audience for these games has almost double the age of the regularfantasy wargamers. Although you might come across several age 50+ fantasy gamers, there are only a handfull of age 20- historical wargamers. Or as a friend of mine put it nicely, "I am not yet old enough to succesfully pick a favorite war/era". Said friend only passed 40 by a couple of years, so he is being excused for that.

As our members are mostly young people (average age about 35?), maybe we have not yet come to the age that changes everything. So far, the fantasy games are still winning this battle (no pun intended).

On a side note, Flames of War is slowly but surely getting a firm grip on the community with 2,5 players and rising.

Birth of the Skirmish game
To see the scale of the game in a better perspective, let us first hop back in time, to about the year 2003. At that time, fantasy wargaming was divided into two camps. 90%+ of the gamers played WHFB (6th) edition and 10% was played by other gamers who thought that WHFB was to restricted/to overpowered/to expensive/to cartoony (pick your falvour). Collectively these gamers played a lot of games, of which not a single one was effectively able to combat GW's position on that market. Other miniature companies were mostly not that professional or perhaps did not deliver both miniatures AND rules, something that GW did from the very start. Although a small percent of these miniatures certainly looked the part, since you weren't able to use them in a supplement game meant that they were basically great addons for painters, but not so much for gamers. It didn't help either that at the same time, GW had the tournament restriction of having no more than 20% of your miniatures from other companies than GW.
However, out of the blue people were introduced by USA-based Privateer Press. They introduced a fantasy skirmish variant of WHFB known as Hordes. It's 40K-alike steampunk version was called Warmachine and released almost simultaniously.

Now, by this time people had heard of skirmish games and round bases (Confrontation, necromunda, etc.) were nothing new, for the first time since a long while there was a competative, miniature-and-rules-combined game released by a bunch of people with some experience in the field that not only worked suprisingly well, but also looked the part! I fell for the marketing people straight away and bought myself a "protectorate of menoth" starter box. Back then, 2 or 3 fellow wargamers were also tricked into buying the greatest thing in existence since sliced bread. Fast-forward 6 months and I have found myself playing a single game of warmachine and about 3 of fantasy, including a small tournament.
Was the game dull? No chance!
Did we lack the miniatures? Nope, we all had starter kits at least.
Rules? Present!
Too complicated? Not a chance.

And yet somehow we never got to play beyond that one game. There was something about it that did not feal right, for a lack of better term. It didn't help either that almost no one back then in our community seemed to have an interest in Warmachine/Hordes, even though (which is brilliant in my opinion) the game systems are interchangable! Conclusion: Playing a great is only fun if you actually have an opponent or 2 to play against.

Fast forward to a couple of years ago, about 2011 or 2012 I'd say. Arjan attended some of us on the fair known as Crsis, which is held in november in Antwerp on a yearly basis. A rather large area filled with miniature companies of all ends of the spectrum, ranging from wild west 35 MM skirmish games to 6 MM scale epic battles with huge armies. The first time we arrived there it was all quite impressive, but it only took off the year after. Now most area's we're from have a shop that sells GW material within a 30 minute or less drive. This is almost never the case for the games we started to try out. What if ... we can play this samurai game rulesystem we found online for only 5$ using actual samurai miniatures? What if ... we can find victorian steampunk scientists for Chaos in Carpathia? What if ... we want more tanks for our Flames of War army without paying the huge shipment costs? Crisis provided an answer to all of these questions. People started making lists and whatnot to before going to crisis hoping to actually find what they required from a broad selection of salesmen and gamesystems. Even sole miniature companies saw their profit double once we passed by the stands.
This remarkable event almost single handendly made us try out a wild variaty of games. Though most games were really fresh and fun (In her manjesty's name AND Chaos in Carpathia come to mind), we kept falling back to the one thing we

played over and over; mordheim.

By the way, this is a small list of games that have passed the voting desk at some or other point, but did not quite make it with the majority of the gamers, in no particular order:
  • Wild West Exodus
  • Infinity
  • Malifaux
  • Necromunda
  • Bushido
  • Kings of War
  • Godslayer
  • X-wing
  • Warmachine/Hordes
  • Dystopian (Wars/Legions)
  • Wolsung

Maybe it's because the majority of our community has a strong interest in WHFB/Mordheim or perhaps a general dislike in one or more of the other games that up until this present day, we still mainly see WHFB and Mordheim appear on game nights.

Ah well, can't say we didn't try :)

9TH edition and future
Currently we are on the verge of a change in the warhammer universe like no other. The new edition is beckoning and rumors are spreading effectively faster that the black plague back in the day. No one will know what the future will bring, but most of the community agrees on one thing; marketing is lacking from GW side. Rumors on round bases, skirmish style fighting and simplefying the army variant by a lot have made us all the more curious on that GW will bring out. A succesfull edition or failure? Epic battles or small scale skirmishing? Good rules or very open to interpretation?

We'll probably only be able to tell once the ruleset comes out, but you can rest assured that our community is going to play it at least once and (if we don't like it) very much fall back to a very well known game..... WHFB previous edition. :)

Finishing off this monologue I would like to invite the other community members to give their suggestions on the games to play in the near future. Something most of us, if not all, can agree on. Which by the way is a near impossible task.


buy all the mini's

this is a statement that comes by quit often these days. As a matter of fact the 2nd hand market for old (school) miniatures is thriving. A lot of classics come bay on sale-facebook pages and the different fora. Is this related to the end times? Is it the end times for old armies and old miniatures? Maybe it is just me and a more nostalgic mood related to the game with the end times near? Maybe so but the end times books I am reading right now and these are great (in my opinion that is). The over the top battles with extreme characters is fun to play with especially in a triumph and treachery setting; I love it.

Ok back to the old school mini's. The fact is I come across loads of cool very old models these days. Dwarfs, Tzeentch deamons I love the older models. Hard to find and when they come by they are not too cheap. Sometimes high prices for the more rare models. Sometimes batches come by for a good price. Interesting since the price per model is then really good. But a big load of mini's in one good builds towards the lead mountain. On the other hand how often does such a deal come by you think. And when closing the deal a couple of days later even more and bigger batches come by.
Still we want to buy all the mini's! Why? The time to paint it all is limited. To play with it all is near impossible (10000 pts games last way too long :)).
Maybe it is just the hobby, the collecting the nostalgia and everything together! Maybe it is now that those batch deals come by and stop for the next years :). Or maybe everyone is waiting for 9th edition and they want to play and are clearing their shelves to be prepared to buy all the new mini's!


Treachery and treason, there's always an excuse for it

The last few weeks our no-we-re-not-a-club-club played quite a few games of the Triumph and Treachery multiplayer variant of good old Warhammer Fantasy. This add on to the rules allows us to play games of warhammer with
  • small armies (so even the found again box of old minnies will do)
  • a random number of players (it's alway hard to find the time)
  • all in the same game...
One surprising observation is that the game is actually balanced, in a very randomly almost story telling way. Back stabbing, breaking treaties and pacts and intense battles take place on the battle field. And all the while generals and deamon keepers are having a good time (and drinking beers :-)

Key feature IMHO is the way T&T improves standard warhammer by having a more 'interactive' way of playing. The order of play in a round is determined randomly (by cards). Even more important is the way that during a players turn the opponents stay/become involved by the choice of the 'enemy of the phase'. Each phase (movement, magic, shooting, close combat) the operative player chooses one (and only one) enemy whose units can be charged, harassed, shot and fought in that phase. All other models become de facto scenery and are 'safe' in that phase.

This combined with event that cards that can interrupt the 'normal' order and chaos of a warhammer game, makes for a very hectic and alternating battle. Players have to deal with the possibility of a long latency between manoeuvres or in contrast, two turns in direct succession that must be converted into success...

What do we play with then. It all started out with a mad idea for 5 players to start a sort-of-escalation-league. The deamons were beckoning and we decided all to take on one deity with one player being (literally) undivided. 500 points was our starting value and this being ideal to play some small skirmish like games. At the first evening of gaming everyone showed up! Eek! So many games in a row and/or parallel does not fit in one respectable evening gaming. T&T was taken from the shelves and the first game was on the way. The skirmish like setting combined with T&T proved very playable. We played this setup many times now and upped the deamons to 750 pts. Still good play!

Then we got better and the games with 5 or even 6 people took us only 2-3 hours to play! Wow! We also found out a lot of cards from T&T weren not played due to the fact they targeted warmachines or shooting phase. With all deamons and only 750 points this was not really happening.

Exactly the time to introduce other warbands that have been slumbering in the cupboards for a while! Dwarfs, beastmen, ogres and skinks entered the fray. Now gaming was even more diverse with 3-4 player T&T 750-1000 pts games. It keeps the " balanced"  feel as mentioned before. The randomness makes a lot of fun gaming. The introduction of other races in what started out as deamon-escalation-league proved longer and more complicated gaming and thus more challanges, more reading of the rules and longer game nights! :)

Now 3 weeks in a row, friday night was game night and many a WHFB battle was fought with the T&T ruleset. I attended 2 of these 3 games and they were in a setting where we had 3 and 4 players present. 1000pt games they were and with a diversity of armies. I played my Ogres once and in the last battle my dwarfs were present. Being the only one there with warmachines this was directly the focus of attack and I got only 1 shot off!

Interesting to see what tactics work in T&T settings. With the dwarfs a tanked up dwarf lord on shield bearers managed to kill of all monstrosities that were beastmen or skink equivalent. Is a lone super character a good option then is the question that arrises? I still think that good units in these small amount of points can win you the game since maneuvarability is a good asset in these treacherous environments. With all the cards that can be played you're never sure your plan will work out as planned!

So treachery and treason are great ingredients for multiplayer games of WHFB for us. Great fun and continuously new situations to encounter and cope with!


Panthera pardus

Finally my Flames of War Panther are finished! Just in time to support my good friend Tom at the tournament next saturday. And off course just in time to kill off my T-34's and JS-2 when we batttle it out at this tournament....
Originally (and in the long run they will certainly be used for that) they were intended to support my 'legion of the damned' dutch waffen ss army. And in the first battles of this army they actually fought, in mono-color mittel gelb bare skin.

The idea was to give the Panther are worn out and 'dirty' look, in the process of loosing their winter fur... 
I find it's hard to create 'realistic' damage, dirt and soil in this scale and imho it's a bit overdone.But I had a lot of fun doing so :-)


New game board

Yes I went for the realm of battle boards (only before I found out of the existence of battle mats, but more on that later!). How to paint this set with not too much effort.y dwarfs are stone based so would also go nice with snow I'm guessing. I bought some good paint, bright blue (icy) and white and went to town with it! First all sheets are painted blue (took me an afternoon and week of drying). Then first layer of partly drybrush white since all the ice is covered mostly in snow. Now we have Icy blocks and icy skulls and lots of snow. Looks good on the battlefield in my opinion.
I came up with the winter theme, since my Ogres are also winter based! My dwarfs are stone based so would also go nice with snow I'm guessing.

I bought some good paint, bright blue (icy) and white and went to town with it! First all sheets are painted blue (took me an afternoon and week of drying). Then first layer of partly drybrush white since all the ice is covered mostly in snow. Now we have Icy blocks and icy skulls and lots of snow. Looks good on the battlefield in my opinion.

Full battlefield overview here! Some snowy trees to finish the setting of!
While gaming the paint held nicely. I might go and add some more white in order to get a thicker layer there as well but other then that: great stuff!
 Skulls are painted blue with white highlight as well. I am thinking of making them skull colored but they might also be covered with ice water.
Details of just finised snow tiles

 A nice dicebag from the dicebag lady to complete an awesome gaming table!


Flames of War: Italians

I already posted some stuff on my first steps into FoW, but since the blog has been silent for some time, I thought it a good moment to get back into the saddle with my ventures on FoW. I am active with twitter and my mini's but now the pictures are auto synced to google and direct accessible in blogger! Good stuff and easier to post posts!

What have I been doing then on the FoW front. I am collecting Italians for some time. Mostly little tanks to create a carri army. This is mid war period. All of sudden a tournament popped up that was only a stones throw away from my home. Ideal to get some real battles in and finish my army. Only point being, this tourny turned out to be late war! OK, new army list: paracadutisti, loads of infantry and all new paint work. How did I fare?
First up I installed my airbrush setup so I would only have to sit down and spray. This helps a lot when wanting to airbrush. If you have to get everything out of closets and clean up space to set it up, you are don't have the spirit any more to use it. And indeed I got behind my spray booth and sprayed the base color on the italians with shading and highlights. Only faces, guns, packs, canteens, etc. to pick out and your done! Oh, and basing! Easy....right.

 Well basing was covered with sandy paste from vallejo. Still took a lot of time to do, because you have to be careful with not toughing those lovely painted mini's! Also touching up on the footing of the mini and covering its base was a session in itself!
Painting and toughing up took me days! Every night a session painting only 160 pairs of boots, and next only canteens, etc. etc.!

 And then I found more! And I needed more to get a good and full paracadutisti army list (actually now the list is finished I think I might need more!!!)
 Painting away and making bases. I am going to use these awesome Lancia models as 88's anti aircraft fire in my list. They look so good!
 Mortar teams, machine gun teams, they are all there and under way of basing here! Now all finished and ready for battle!
 Yes, finally one the first battles testing the list, not everything is based here but playable!
First battle didn't go well, I lost but found out I missed 300 points in my list so that would make up some troops I needed actually in this scenario.
Meanwhile I have been playing 2 other test battles with a good list last one, and won those 2. All is looking well, I am getting a feel for the FoW game system. Lots of rules looking up though and forgetting my Italian special rules like Avanti and Heroismo! :) Only 2 weeks to go until the tournament! I am ready!