
Review: Felix and Gotrek first omnibus

A blog about Mordheim gaming is linked to stories of fabled heroes wandering the realms. Therefore I found it appropriate to add a small review of the latest book I'm reading.

The stories of Felix and Gotrek exist for some time and they are now available in a handy paperback omnibus (there are 2 actually, the second omnibus I also have, but first this one has to be read of course). As said an omnibus containing 3 books, giving you approximately 800 pages of reading material. I'm now half way the first book and I have to say it reads quickly (more info on the book on amazon).
For those of you who don't know who Felix and Gotrek are: Gotrek is a Trollslayer and Felix a human with some noble (educated) background. The story is that Gotrek saved the life of Felix (he was almost trampeled) and they got drunk and took a blood oath. Since then Felix is sworn to follow Gotrek to note down his heroic adventures and write down the story of Gotrek and how he eventually dies in some epic fight. The Trollslayer has undergone some crime in which he lost his honor and now he is sworn to roam the lands to meet his death in some fight against a truly big enemy.
Felix and Gotrek take up all kinds of adventures in this first book. It mostly are small quests where they start in a city, adventure out in the lands and mountains, find some gang of beastmen, chaos warrios, troll, slay them and head back to a city. In that sence it is a bit tedious that the same concept returns. But reading the fights they get in is high tension reading and a lot of fun.
I was already thinking of starting a dwarf Mordheim warband and when reading Felix and Gotrek this becomes more and more appealing. The dwarf society (and specifically the trollslayer) is definitely a good idea to start a warband with. Also reading this book gives some background on how dwarfs also venture to cities and are not alone to be found in the mountains burrowing deeper and deeper! I think the new dwarf warband will have a Gotrek theme around it.
When I'm a bit further in the book a new update will follow. Tips for other books are welcome of coarse!


Fizzle & Shizzle

I’d like you to meet the newest member of da ‘Ooliganz. It’s my shaman Shizzle, freshly recruited as a replacement of his brother (and fellow shaman) Fizzle. Fizzle came to an untimely end in the last battle after a bullet from an Averlander pistol hit a soft spot of his otherwise thick skull.

Fizzle is nonetheless worthy of a place in the hall of fame as he was the reason why da ‘Ooliganz made the trip to Mordheim in the first place. Hoping that the consumption of wyrdstone would help improve his (at best) rather mediocre shamanic skills, he convinced the leader of his tribe to send an expedition to Mordheim by drawing a vivid picture of fat lootz and ‘eadz to bash in.

Well, the promise of fat lootz and ‘eadz to bash in proved right. But sadly, it turned out that it didn’t help his shamanic skills very much, as he managed to cast only one successful spell in 5 battles. The fact that Thrall, the leader of da ‘Ooliganz, decided to sell all the looted wyrdstone for hard cash instead of giving some to Fizzle probably didn’t help either.

Anyway, after Fizzle’s demise Thrall decided to hire his brother Shizzle as a replacement. It won’t be long before he can prove himself in battle. Hopefully he will turn out to be more talented than his brother!


Groupshot of da South Side 'Ooliganz

Yay, piccies! I'll add one too, a groupshot of da South Side 'Ooliganz. It's my first attempt to take pictures of mini's and they turned out too dark. I've added contrast with the Picasa tool to correct this a bit.

I've also made individual pictures, they will follow in due time...

Squig hoppers

With the Wee Free Men being introduced (more pictures and introductions will follow), other night goblins related miniatures were also put in the photo booth. My squig hoppers found their way to a nice picture and I couldn't keep them from the blog :) They are attacking me as we speak! Oi Gerrof!

I started with this one as the boss mounted on a giant squig for my warband. Since I got the giant squig with night goblin miniature this one will not be used any more. Pictures will follow of Big Nose and his trusty (wild and outrageous) giant squig Gobbler!

Wee Free Men, meet: Gasher

The Wee Free Men have their set of squigs that wreak havoc in enemy lines. They are controled by some of the night goblins if they can focus. This is one of 5 and is called Gasher! A realy nasty squig that loves to bounce into battle.

Sometimes the squigs run out of control and start nibling on the warband members. To represent this I started to convert a squig to eat one of the night goblins. A leg has to be added sticking out of his mound, but I think it is a good start. Of course this blog is to show further stages in the conversion and paint process so keep checking to see progress.

Wee Free Men, meet: Wee Dangerous Spike

One of the Bosses in the Wee Free Men is Wee Dangerous Spike. It is a constant battle to see who is the boss in the warband and Wee Dangerous Spike is at it all the time. His height is a bit of a problem for him and he's always stretching to his full length to show his mates he could be THE boss!
Big Nose lets him be, because there's no real threat at the moment. Within the Wee Free Men a big nose counts and Big Nose is no match for the other bosses. You can see Wee Dangerous spike trying to lead two Night Goblin gang members into battle ( if they don't fight amongst themselves that is).
Wee Dangerous Spike carries a sword and a shield into battle (and his trusty dagger to fight dirty). He already has some experience in previous battles and is now one of the quicker goblins in the warband with an enhanced initiative.

Wee Free Men, meet: Slightly Sane Angus

My night goblin shaman: Slightly Sane Angus is the supplieer of mad cap mushrooms for the Wee Free Men. Specifically the night goblin fanatics rely heavily on their fungi so the shaman is definitely needed. Angus is probably the sane-est gobbo in the group, hence his name. In one of the pevious battles he suffered an armwound and wasn't able to perform his Waaagh! magic and missed a battle because of it. As a remedy he ate his stash of fungi to reduce the pain and was out for a couple of days (foaming in his cave). He is now up and running and wil return to the batllefield with freashly brewed mad cap mushroom broth in one of the next batlles. For now Angus sometimes manages to cast the Fire of Gork and with some practise he can go a long way.

The shaman model is a "regular" goblin shaman which I made into a night goblin shaman by painting it in the Wee Free Men, night goblin colors dark blue and blacks.